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Food for the Poor Godspy.com: Faith at the Edge


The Editors | 11.27.07


Why Benedict XVI Is So Cautious with the Letter of the 138 Muslims

Sandro Magister, Chiesa [Read the Article]

"But what is the kind of dialogue with Islam that Benedict XVI wants? ... 'In a dialogue to be intensified with Islam, we must bear in mind the fact that the Muslim world today is finding itself faced with an urgent task... On the one hand, one must counter a dictatorship of positivist reason that excludes God from the life of the community and from public organizations, thereby depriving man of his specific criteria of judgment. On the other, one must welcome the true conquests of the Enlightenment, human rights and especially the freedom of faith and its practice, and recognize these also as being essential elements for the authenticity of religion."

Why Benedict XVI Is So Cautious with the Letter of the 138 Muslims

Few observers are more hardnosed and skeptical about dialogue with Islam than Sandro Magister. Sometimes he goes overboard, but here he’s probably right to contrast the fawning response by 300 Christian scholars to the Muslim “letter of the 138” to the Pope’s more toughminded, nuanced stance. How many apologies for the Crusades do we need?

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