Pope: Why the ‘dual-unity’ of man and woman is important
AT 02.11.10 07:37PM
” Marriage is an Institution. ” If all men realize and listen to the divine interventions in marriage , there would be no broken homes and consequent unhappiness / ” oppressive solitude ” in this imperfect world of ours.
” What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. ” If God is in our homes, who would go astray ?
God bless those who are contemplating / anticipating to enter into the Sacrament of Matrimony. May God grant them love and joy, courage, as they enter into new life together .
By heeragin AT 09.25.08 03:41PM
...which is exactly WHY I get so enraged when six-sacrament clergy/laity act/react as-if the Sacramental Union of two persons (OF OPPOSITE SEX) can be blithely IGNORED and UNDONE ONCE UNITED IN MATRIMONY!
If the SACRED UNION of man/woman in MARRIAGE parallels aspects of the DIVINE TRINITY:
Yet, almost to the person, societally (most) people scoff-indifferently when they learn of couples who intend to BREAK THEIR UNITY IN MARRIAGE! [Clergy should understand this BEST!]
If people widely-understood, believed, and comprehended the consequences of Pope Benedict’s words (above), they’d FREAK at the realization that (1 Cor. 7: 10-11) divorce/separation imposes a stark (inhuman) post-Marital choice of either (1) adultery or (2) oppressive solitude:
“...they risk being closed up in a self-realization ...which in fact reduces them to an oppressive solitude.”
Personally, I wouldn’t want to wish either of those two choices on my enemies, even-less on those I know, love, and/or respect!
[...but then that’s just “me”.]