The Global Crisis: Lessons from the Middle Ages
The Christian religion is only for one who needs infinite help. That is, only for one who feels infinite anguish. The whole earth can suffer no greater torment that a single soul. The Christian faith—as I see it—is one’s refuge in this ultimate torment. Anyone to whom it is given in this anguish to open his heart, instead of contracting… READ MORE >
Struggling with the Rosary
The Rosary is excruciating. There I said it. Archbishop Fulton Sheen said it was the most perfect prayer because it takes 19 minutes, which is the maximum time the average person can maintain a state of concentration. The truth is the Rosary can be a real chore. St. Thérèse, the Little Flower, was being more honest when she said,… READ MORE >
Damien Hirst: The Death of Art Explained
As Wall Street tanks, the Art Market soars. The Damian Hirst auction at Sotheby’s London (Sept. 15-16, 2008) raked in $198 million (£111 million), creating a new jaw-dropping record for a one-artist sale. Hirst’s own record for the highest price he has yet fetched for one of his pieces was also surpassed at this sale with a whopping $18.8… READ MORE >
Gerard Manley Hopkins: Prophet & Exile
Larry Norman’s Street Fighting Gospel
Larry Norman passed away last February. He's been called the Father of Christian Rock, a burden he refused to carry. “I think the blacks invented it about 200 years ago." READ MORE >
What’s Behind the New Interest in Confession?
Is the present increase in the popularity of the confession of sins a step toward a realistic religiosity, or is it the popularity of the penitential rite of the American Church of Christ without Christ? READ MORE >
The Weakerthans’ Liturgy of the Other Hours
Beauty Goes Underground
Would St. Augustine ever have experienced his conversion sitting in a pew being subjected to an off-key rendering of “On Eagle’s Wings”? READ MORE >
Seeing Others
Why are we so hesitant to respect the soul of the person in front of us? READ MORE >
Doubting Doubting Thomas
St. Thomas’s evangelizing journeys after the Pentecost, culminating in his brutal death, tell a quite different story from the role he has been cast in the Christian script. READ MORE >
Visiting with Jesus in Prison
The InnerChange Freedom Initiative descends into unhappy and often hellish places in obedience to the Christ who was himself obedient to the point of death. READ MORE >
Bart’s Problem
In his new book, God’s Problem, Bart Ehrman tries to prove that the God of the Bible doesn't answer the question of why we suffer, but his argument falls flat. In the end, what Ehrman and other “new atheists” forget is that a world without God is not a world without evil or innocent suffering. It’s simply a world of suffering without hope. READ MORE >
Why I Love Obama
(...But I Won't Vote for Him.) READ MORE >
A Question of Empathy
How science is rehsaping the abortion debate READ MORE >
Benedict XVI: The Pope of Hope
For Benedict, Christ’s promise of his second coming and the final judgment is a pledge that evil and injustice will not have the last word in human history. READ MORE >
Radiohead: Together in the Alone
Through their music, Radiohead communes with everyone who's ever been tempted to despair in a world where God seems absent READ MORE >
All That Dark
Some say that No Country for Old Men makes evil look too powerful and goodness too puny. But that’s the way the world looks most of the time. READ MORE >
Repeat the Sounding Joy
Repetitive prayer draws me into the Church stretching across time and space, each seemingly identical facet casting light onto a different place in my heart. READ MORE >
Jesus: An Ever-Present Claim
We are in a period of history never known before: a time in which the claim of Jesus has been removed from the world and must be proclaimed and defended as if it were the first time the Christian claim has been made in history
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