Reviews > Books
A mad, wonderful adventure
In her first book, Parched, Heather King documents twenty years of worshipping alcohol to the point, as she says, she was “willing to sacrifice everything: career, family, money, health, reputation, my life, and what is far worse than any of those, my soul, for alcohol.” Her second book Redeemed – A Spiritual Misfit Stumbles toward God,… READ MORE >
Magazine > Music
Larry Norman’s Street Fighting Gospel
Larry Norman passed away last February. He's been called the Father of Christian Rock, a burden he refused to carry. “I think the blacks invented it about 200 years ago." READ MORE >
Opinion > TV
HBO’s The Wire: Dignity or Despair?
HBO’s The Wire finales this Sunday at 9 p.m.., and the themes of this fifth and final season—centered around the newsroom of the Baltimore Sun, where the show’s creator David Simon once worked as an editor— have been integrity and honesty, or as Simon says—“just how far you can go on a lie.” A Sun reporter who fakes quotes, a… READ MORE >
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