Opinion > Science/Tech
Secrets of storytelling
Having just read a collection of masterful short-stories by Tobias Wolff, the issue of what makes storytelling such an intrinsic, necessary part of the human condition has been at the forefront of my mind. An article in the most recent issue of Scientific American approaches this age-old question from a left-brained perspective: “Popular… READ MORE >
News > Science/Tech
Tom Wolfe and a cognitive neuroscientist discuss status, free will, and the human condition
News > Science/Tech
Is John McCain reconsidering his Stem Cell position?
The moral issues at stake are far from simple, to be sure, but Senator McCain’s rationalization of embryo-destructive research is nonetheless simply wrong... In November 2007, two teams of researchers ... successfully transformed normal human skin cells into what appears to be the functional equivalent of embryonic stem cells, without the need for embryos... Asked by a voter in late January if the new advances might cause him to reconsider his stand on President Bush’s stem cell funding policy, Senator McCain replied, 'I have not changed my position yet.' It is time he did." READ MORE >
News > Science/Tech
Big Brain Theory: Have Cosmologists Lost Theirs?
“It could be the weirdest and most embarrassing prediction in the history of cosmology, if not science… If true, it would mean that you yourself reading this article are more likely to be some momentary fluctuation in a field of matter and energy out in space than a person with a real past born through billions of years of evolution in an orderly star-spangled cosmos… If you are inclined to skepticism this debate might seem like further evidence that cosmologists… have finally lost their minds.” READ MORE >
News > Science/Tech
Taking Science on Faith
Unlike biologists, who get tarred with the brush of Creationism at the slightest mention of the G-word, physicists have been free to bring God into their speculation. Here, physicist Paul Davies explains the obvious: that both religion and science are confronted with mysteries that can’t be reduced to theories or empirical investigation.… READ MORE >
News > Science/Tech
After Stem-Cell Breakthrough, the Work Begins
Now that embryonic stem cell research may no longer require the destruction of human life, is it just a coinicidence that the NY Times is emphasizing how far scientists still have to go to develop successful treatments?
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